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Our Pricing Model
How to determine your costs

Our model is based on “The Green Bottle,” created by Alexis J. Cunningfolk. I know there is so much more to financial privilege than your salary. I also don’t believe in performative poverty rituals if my community needs support I simply believe them as I hope they would believe me. Access to traditional, compassionate, and competent care is the only way to truly begin closing the birth equity gap and reduce pregnancy-related mortality and morbidity. I have modified the original model to better fit what I do and everyone I hope to serve. 


Using this system allows pregnant people to tell me where on the pay scale they fall taking into account their lives and not just their incomes. This is an honor system; I trust that people who want me to provide care and support will take time to read each description associated with the bottles and pick the one that reflects their financial picture. Throughout the site you will notice different prices based on “access point” this is where you can determine your access letter and know what financial investment you will have when working with me. I know it can be tempting to select an access point based solely on the price reflected and I ask you to use the descriptions in the bottles. If you desire to support my mission that all people should have access to care without cost being a factor please consider a donation to my free care fund rather than selecting a higher tier, or let me know that the additional fee is for donation and not reflective of your financial picture. Most importantly please do not select a level that requires a lower financial commitment than the bottle you match below. Doing that profoundly impacts my ability to be sustainable and means people who need those lower points of access won’t receive the care they need. My flexibility is only possible when the entire community is honest as they select services. One day I hope that I can serve the community without requiring direct payment. If that is something you also hope for please share my mission within your circle and ask people to donate and mark the donation as either free care or free training.


If you fall between two bottles, as many people do, please reach out, and let’s create a price that is equitable. I do my best not to turn people away for financial reasons. I am willing to barter and on each jar you will see the percentage that can be offset in this way. In lieu of cash payment I will accept gift cards to Giant Eagle, Amazon, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and Target. I know these are often given as baby shower gifts and I am happy to apply them to the cost of midwifery care. I am also a provider on “Be her village”  where you can create a registry that includes your care. If there is another way I can help support your ability to fund care with Igi Osè please reach out through our contact page.

*Basic Needs include food, housing, health care, and transportation.

** Expendable Income might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a shop, go to the movies or a concert, buy new clothes, books, and similar items each month, etc.

Access Point A

● I qualify for assistance programs including cash assistance and housing support ● I have no savings ● I always stress about meeting basic needs and frequently can not ● I have debt that I can not pay and meet basic needs ● I have unstable housing or rent a lower quality property ● I do not have a car or can not afford to drive the car I have ● I am under employed or unemployed

Access Point B

● I qualify for assistance programs including food stamps or healthcare ● I have debt that impacts meeting basic needs ● I sometimes stress about meeting basic needs but usually meet them with social supports ● I have housing but rent a lower quality property or live with family ● I have little or no savings ● I am unable to take vacations due to the financial strain it would cause

Access Point C

● I meet my basic needs with little stress or simple budgeting ● I have some or little debt and it doesn’t prohibit me from attaining basic needs ● I own or lease a car that I use without worry ● I have some savings or expendable income ● I rent or own my home ● I am able to buy new things if I wish ● I vacation with little impact on my financial stability

Access Point D

● I live a comfortable lifestyle and rarely have to worry about affordability ● I am employed or do not need to work because of financial security ● I always buy new items when i desire them ● I can/do donate to charity regularly ● I can vacation or take time off as I please ● I own or rent my home or have investment properties ● I have savings or investments ● I own my car and do not have to concerts about paying for repairs if they are needed

Pricing Questions?

If you have questions about the cost of services or how to donate to our free care fund please send me your name and I will email you in 48-72 hours. 

Thanks for submitting!

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